The Demons And The Crabs

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Kill 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off the edge of the map. Completing it unlocks the Lunar item Gesture of the Drowned.

How To Complete

The challenge calls for the player to kill a total of 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off the edge of the map.

The first major hurdle is that the crabs first spawn in the fourth level, and there are no ledges there. So the run must be looped, as the crabs start to appear in every level of the looped run. The first stages (Distant Roost and Titanic Plains) have plenty of edges, and the mortar shots are visible against the blue skies.

While chasing 20 crabs off a ledge while there are potentially high-level enemies chasing the player might sound difficult, don't despair.

  • This Challenge can be completed over multiple runs
  • Avoiding drones or items that passively damage enemies is recommended, as they might kill the crabs before they get to the ledge.
  • Some Prismatic Trials may give modifiers that make it easier. 
  • The Primordial Cube can be used to draw crabs (and other enemies) off the edge without having to deal damage to the crabs or chase them in close proximity.