Old Guillotine

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2020-01-01 (1).png

Old Guillotine is a uncommon item in Risk of Rain 2. It allows the player's attacks to instantly kill Elite enemies once they reach 20% (+20% per stack) of the Elite's maximum health.

In actuality, the equation used to determine the percentage of health at which an Elite dies is similar to the one of Tougher Times. It looks like this: 1 - (1 / (0.2 * n + 1.05)) * 100 This means 1 stack kills at ~20,0%. And the second will kill at ~31,0% instead of 40%.

Stack Health % Stack Health %
1 20.0 11 69.2
2 31.0 12 71.0
3 39.9 13 72.6
4 45.9 14 74.0
5 51.2 15 75.3
6 55.5 16 76.5
7 59.1 17 77.5
8 62.3 18 78.4
9 64.9 19 79.3
10 67.2 20 80.2

The Old Guillotine works similarly to the Artificer's Snapfreeze ability, and has the same visual indicator on their health bar. The effect does not stack with the effect of Snapfreeze, which execute percentage is 30%. It will choose whichever threshold is higher (Guillotine after a stack of 2).

This item is unlocked after completing the "Cut Down" challenge. (Kill 500 Elites).

This item was in common rarity before an update