
From Risk of Rain Wiki
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Hi there! I'm Kevin. As my alias implies, I love to play a variety of games. Some of my favorite games include; Skyrim, Final Fantasy IX, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Fire Emblem: Awakening just to name a few.

This isn't the first Wiki I've been on, or even help contribute to, but I always enjoy adding more information to categories, and converse amongst the users.

In my spare time I draw, play Magic the Gathering, as well as create fictional stories. Currently I'm working on a novel-length story that has been in the works since my freshman high school years. It has since changed drastically, as well as having much more canonical structure. I one day hope to turn these ideas into a series of games though.

As for Risk of Rain itself, I enjoy it immensely, especially with a handful of friends that I play with in multiplayer every now and then with.

Favorite Characters

  1. The Sniper.
  2. CHEF.
  3. The Mercenary.

Favorite Items

  1. Crowbar.
  2. Barbed Wire (on glass with ~100 stacks of it :S).
  3. Wicked Ring.
  4. Paul's Goat Hoof.
  5. Hopoo Feather.
  6. Bundle of Fireworks.