Snake Eyes

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"Gain increased critical strike chance on failing a shrine. Removed on succeeding a shrine."— Pickup Text
Snake Eyes Shipping Details.png

The Snake Eyes is a common utility item in Risk of Rain.[1] This bonus can stack with successive shrine failures up to 6 stacks, but will disappear when the player passes a shrine or will eventually fade away after a certain amount of time[verification needed].

Your current crit chance level is identified by the red dice above the players head when failing a shrine. The more Pips (dots) on the dice, the higher your crit chance.

In multiplayer, another player succeeding at a Money shrine will remove your Snake Eyes counter.  Them failing will also up your Snake Eyes count.

Shipping Details

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:  Snake EyesSnake Eyes Icon.png
Tracking Number:  723▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪

Order Description

:  Failing a shrine increases critical chance by 6%

Shipping Method

:  Standard

Order Details

:  You dirty ---------er. You KNEW I had to win to pay off my debts. Are you in with the casinos? Of course you are; a snake like you would. A dice that's loaded for SNAKE EYES. CUTE MOVE, ---------er.

I'm comin' for you, ----.
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Character Synergies

Item Synergies


  • "Snake eyes" means rolling dice and getting only one pip on each. It is the lowest possible outcome when rolling two dice, and is hence known as unlucky.




  1. This description is auto-generated by the Item Infobox