Bandit (RoR2)

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A returning character in Risk of Rain 2.

Replaced the huntress making her a default survivor

Deals massive damage from behind, along with stealth, a stun, a singular high damage revolver shot that resets all cooldowns if it kills the target, and an aoe sweep that deals 1 stack of hemorrhaging debuff. (note: hemorrhaging and bleed aren't the same but do the same if you have the boss item "Shatterspleen" then it will not deal 2 stacks of bleed just one of each.

Unlockable by making it past the third stage without dying (So, in single player you just have to make it past the third stage. In multiplayer YOU specifically cannot die. Your allies can, but they can't unlock them if they die before leaving the third stage.) has a skin if beating the game twice where you start with two guns and look like deadpool