AtG Missile Mk. 2

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AtG Missile Mk. 2 Shipping Details.png

The AtG Missile Mk. 2 is a rare damage item in Risk of Rain. On hitting an enemy, the player has a 7% chance on hitting an enemy to fire three missiles that deal 3x300% damage and deals explosive damage.[1]

These missiles cannot critically strike.

Shipping Details

Estimated Delivery:
Sent to:
Fort Joseph
Belt Num.1053
Boron System
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:  AtG Missile Mk. 2AtG Missile Mk. 2 Icon.png
Tracking Number:  161▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪

Order Description

:  A 7% chance on hitting an enemy to fire three missiles that deal 3x300% damage

Shipping Method


Order Details

:  Test System for Viper Missiles. Should now [REDACTED] on use instead of just one. Do not use on the field; it is UNSTABLE. I am only sending [REDACTED] shipments, so be smart.
For questions and complaints, please contact our customer service.


Character Synergies

  • Characters such as Commando that have a high rate of fire can greatly benefit from this item.

Item Synergies

  • Attack speed items such as Soldier's Syringe will increase its proc chance by allowing the item to activate more often.


  • This item's damage is based off of base damage of the character, making it weaker compared to the AtG Missile Mk. 1, which deals damage based on the attack that activated it.




  1. This description is auto-generated by the Item Infobox