Jellyfish (Risk of Rain 2)
Not to be confused with the first game's version, the Jellyfish.
The Jellyfish is a returning enemy in Risk of Rain 2.
The Jellyfish has a simple attack pattern: float towards the player, and explode. This suicidal maneuver can be easily dodged, making the Jellyfish a significantly lesser threat when compared to the original.
An elite jellyfishes suicide-blast has the elemental effect of the elite, and as such should be avoided. A Glacial Jellyfish may slow the player down enough to prevent them from escaping the following ice-blast.
They are also extremely susceptible to knockback, stand out in most environments and sport low hp. They are among the first enemies to stop spawning as the game progresses, not accounting elite-variants.
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This is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UESC [Redacted] in conjunction with the UESC Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.
Today, we’ve seen our first form of outer life on this planet, merely a few hours after our untimely landing.
I will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as ‘Icarian Jellyfish’.
• Large, round invertebrate, about 1m in diameter, with two trailing tentacles. They shimmer a white-blue. They greatly resemble Medusozoa from Earth.
• They seem to be experiencing neutral buoyancy in this planet’s atmosphere, causing them to float. I theorize this is due to a unique gas composition inside of their hull, which they expel to traverse.
• When observed, these Jellyfish seem to bathe in the sun, slowly rotating their bodies as they do so. They may be cold-blooded.
• By my request, Tharson approached a lone Jellyfish. After detecting his presence, it began to glow, quiver, and pulse before suddenly detonating with a brilliant flash and a loud bang, causing severe burns and temporary blindness to Tharson. I theorize that by exciting the gases inside of their hulls, these Jellyfish can ignite those gases and explode, scorching everything nearby. Tharson is OK from this encounter.